Drug Safety List
Drug Safety for AHP
We currently recommend the Drug Database for Acute Porphyrias created by the Norwegian Porphyria Centre (NAPOS) as a the most current up-to-date and valuable source of information about drug safety for the Acute Hepatic Porphyrias.
This list is intended to help AHP patients and their physicians assess the risk of specific drugs in inducing acute attacks and consider alternatives. Please be aware that there is uncertainty about many drugs on this list, and few can be listed with absolute certainty as being Safe or Unsafe.
If a drug is not listed, please contact the United Porphyrias Association and we will help you seek an opinion from a porphyria expert.
Help Keep the Drug Safety List Up-to-Date
Patients with acute porphyria (AIP, VP, HCP) or their caregivers are invited to submit surveys about their acute porphyria diagnosis and medication use, specifically medications that may have caused acute attacks, or “risky” medications that were taken safely.
Participants are encouraged to update their surveys when they have new information to report.