Find a Doctor
UPA can support you to:
Locate a physician in your area
Provide education to your current health care providers
Arrange a peer-to-peer consult between your physician and a porphyria specialist
Please note that porphyria specialists often require a diagnosis prior to accepting and scheduling a new patient. For more information on diagnosis or support navigating this process, please contact our Patient Navigator.
Porphyria Centers in the United States
The United Porphyrias Association collaborates with a network of porphyria experts that are active members of the UPA Scientific Advisory Board and the Porphyrias Consortium.
The following list has been created to assist porphyria patients in locating Porphyria Experts nearest to their area. Please note that we are unable to validate level of expertise, accepted insurance forms, or appointment availability of those outside of our Porphyrias Consortium and the UPA Scientific Advisory Board
Birmingham, AL
Montgomery, AL
Phoenix, AZ
San Francisco, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Miami, FL
Chicago, IL
Lexington, KY
Boston, MA
Minneapolis, MN
Kansas City, MO
New York
New York, NY
North Carolina
Huntersville, NC
Matthews, NC
Winston - Salem, NC
Cleveland, OH
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Galveston, TX
Houston, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
Seattle, WA
Our Patient Navigator is here to help you navigate access to testing and treatment.
Outside the United States
The UPA is always glad to support you and connect you to accurate and reliable information on the porphyrias.
You may have a porphyria organization located in your country, however, that is better positioned to support you in finding a physician and provide information on treatment in your country.
For porphyria support across the globe, please contact your member country’s organization, located on the Global Porphyria Advocacy Coalition (GPAC) website. If it is listed on the GPAC website – it is a reliable organization.
The International Porphyria Network also provides a list of porphyria centers around the world. In most cases you will require a referral to be seen at a one of these centers. The list is here.
International patient organizations include:
Austria - EPP Austria
France - Association Française des Malades Atteints de Porphyries
Poland - Polska Grupa Chorych na Porfir
Sweden - Swedish Porphyria Association/Riksföreningen mot porfyrisjukdomar (RMP)